By Ali AlAhmed
August 17, 2017
Washington DC – Nuclear North Korea which launched a successful intercontinental missiles capable of hitting the United States built a secret ballistic missile base in the United Arab Emirates, IGA has learned.
Following months of careful research, IGA investigative team located the missile base in Dubai, sandwiched between Hamdan Sports Complex and the Al Minhad Air Base, hosting the headquarters of Australian Middle East Operations, or Joint Task Force 63.
The Base
Google Earth photos clearly show at least 20 missile pads for Scud-B ballistic missiles the U.A.E. purchased from North Korea in the past. The U.A.E. purchased unknown number of Scud-B ballistic missiles, some with a range of 300km and a 1,000kg payload capacity. U.S. national intelligence estimate from 1991 reported that North Korea sold 24 Scud-B missiles to the U.A.E. in 1988.
Decades of U.A.E. North Korean Ties
The last known purchase of North Korean ballistic missile was in 1989 but U.A.E. continued to purchase North Korean arms until 2015 as revealed by IGA report sighting a secret State Department memo recovered from the hacked emails of U.A.E ambassador to Washington Yousef Al Otaiba. The emails were provided by Global Leaks.
The United Arab Emirates is not a party to the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation or the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). There are no known efforts by the U.S. government to pressure the U.A.E. to join MTCR.
Over the past few weeks the United States has led an international assault on North Korea after its multiple ICBM launches. In an Op-Ed by Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Secretary of Defense General James Mattis, the pair said that the US will hold Pyongyang to account.
The pair urged “all nations to honor their commitments to enforce U.N. Security Council sanctions against North Korea.” They added that the U.S. will lead a religious enforcement of the sanctions on North Korea. There was no mention of any U.S. sanctions of the U.A.E over its decades of military and financial ties with North Korea.
U.A.E. Ambassador to Washington Yousef Al Otaiba did not return emails or phone calls to answer questions on this story.